Adolescent Relapse Warning Signs - Booklet
By Tammy L. Bell
This booklet is written for adolescents who are recovering from alcohol or drug use to help them recognize physical, emotional, and behavioral warning signs of the relapse process. Using the GORSKI-CENAPS Model, Tammy Bell identifies the unique relapse warning signs of adolescents.
Adolescent relapse can be prevented, and this booklet shows how. Adolescents dont suddenly start using alcohol or other durgs after treatment. There is a series of predictable warning signs that lead from stable sobriety to chemical use. This pamphlet describes these warning signs in simple and easy-to-understand language.
By reading this booklet adolescents, parents, and teachers can learn what the critical warning signs are that lead to relapse and what to do about it. Once an adolescent identifies their relapse warning signs, they can monitor their recovery and report problems before they start drinking or using drugs.